2024 Winter Check-In

It's been a while since we've made a post: we have a few drafts in the pipeline but we are struggling to finish them off. In light of that, I thought I would write a brief post articulating some usage statistics from our first year (and then some) of riding. This will also serve as a reference for myself should I need the numbers quickly.

Key Stats

R+M Load 75 (2023)

Date Odometer (km) Change (km) Note
2022-10-19 0.1 n/a Initial connection to Bosch Diagnostics [1]
2023-01-11 1622.5 1622.4 Service after the bike was ridden from Auckland to the South Island [1:1][2]
2023-12-08 4731.0 3108.5 Manual reading from an unfinished post in December 2023 🤐
2024-01-11 5063.9 332.9 Software update at Torpedo7 (Hamilton) [1:2]
2024-02-16 5655.0 591.1 1-year general service at Electric Bike Team. Visible on Bosch Diagnostic report [1:3]
2024-06-21 7008.3 1353.3 Manual reading from today

  1. Automated reading visible from a Bosch Diagnostic report when we did the 1-year general service ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. This is the baseline value we reference when we try to understand how many kilometers we have ridden our Load75 ↩︎

R+M Multicharger (2024)

Date Odometer (km) Change (km) Note
2024-01-10 0 n/a Received bike with 0 on the odometer
2024-06-06 1046 1046 First after purchase service with local Bosch-certified Velo Workshop [1]
2024-06-21 1095 49 Manual reading from today

  1. Automated reading visible from a Bosch Diagnostic report when we did the 1-year general service ↩︎

General Musings

It doesn't surprise me that the Multicharger is getting less use than the Load75. It was always considered the second bicycle. Further to that, as the secondary family bicycle, it normally is the one I will take on to work when the Load75 is unavailable. The small number of kilometres travelled in June can mostly be explained by: it is winter and I mostly work from home.

The Load75 mileage is not unsurprising in general. Sam rides it everyday she works, we both ride it when we shop or take the kids out. For shopping it is very convenient to rock up to the front of shops and put things in the front box. I am somewhat surprised that, after a casual assessment of the mileage, that winter riding doesn't decrease significantly from summer riding.

On that last point, it's probably worth articulating for those who question this lifestyle in the winter. It's actually reasonably rare that a day is so rainy that you can't ride at all, for days where there's a drizzle: rain jackets are your friend.